13th Army Band Community Concert @ Mariner High School, Cape Coral, FL

By 13th Army Band (other events)

Friday, March 22 2013 7:00 PM 9:00 PM EDT

An evening of tribute to all branches of our military, veterans and families. Featuring patriotic music, songs and marches. Your heart will swell with pride. Don't miss it.

The Mariner High School Band will perform with the 13th Army Band.

Serving the State of Florida, our Nation, and our local communities since 1906, the citizen-soldiers of the 13th Army Band provide music for many occasions.

The band has performed throughout the eastern United States and promoted America’s interests abroad in the Dominican Republic, Panama, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Morocco, Saint Kitts and most recently Guyana for all branches of the Armed Forces and State Department.

As the official military band of Florida, unit members have enjoyed performing for many official State functions.  They have supported military recruiting.  They also foster the support the support of America;s civilians and inspire troop morale and esprit de corps.

In times of disaster, the band has supported the needs of our local communities in multiple roles, including providing relief supplies after Hurricane Wilma.